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Ethiopia Dry Process Guji Dogo Sodu

We are just starting to roast this amazing high-altitude, high-quality bean from the Guji region in Ethiopia. Our suppliers, the Coffee Shrub, had this to say about it: "Aromatic fruits and sweetness are well centered in the dry fragrance, with notes of wild berry, papaya, and an umami/soy hint. Running my spoon through the wet crust at the top of the cup released intense floral fruits like ripe strawberry and apricot, with a super dense sweetness underneath, and a very attractive spice side that brought to mind whole allspice. A City roast, the cup is a fruit salad of flavors, like red raspberry and strawberry, honeydew melon, tropical mango, aromatic ripe papaya, and orange. The flavors are fresh and clean, with tea-like accent notes that recall washed Ethiopian coffee, rather than dry process." They go on about the famers and the process, saying, "as registered more than 200 small farmers in total from the villages bordering the site, most with an average farm size of 2 hectares of coffee or less. The dry and wet process coffees start out the same, in that the whole cherry is first floated in water to remove the underripe coffee before processing (unripe coffee will float to the top, while the ripe coffee sinks). At the Dogo Sodu site, the farmers are paid a premium to delivery only ripe cherry, so selective harvesting is employed at the farms before the coffee is even delivered. The coffee is then moved to raised drying beds for around 3 to 4 weeks time, until dried to around 11% moisture content." We will update you with our tasting notes soon. We are aiming for City+.

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